
As many of you know, I donate the royalties from my self-pubbed books (including self-pubbed audiobooks) to Doctors Without Borders. Well, thanks to your support, I just gave them $5000.


I am so grateful to you all for making this happen. Take a bow, pat yourself on the back, and keep on reading!


Hanukkah starts tonight. I’m finding it a little hard to be festive when I’m still neck-deep in papers and exams to grade and still struggling with the plague a cold. And I’m missing my older daughter, who’s still away at college. Still, I’m guessing some latkes will help get me in the mood.

And I wanted to share some holiday gift ideas–or ways you can pamper yourself! You can find direct buy links to all my books here.

All of the royalties from my self-published books (print, ebook, and audiobook) go to Doctors Without Borders. So if you buy one of those as a gift, you’re really giving twice. This includes:

  • Corruption (ebook)
  • Clay White (ebook)
  • The Sacrifice and Other Stories (ebook and print)
  • The Festivus Miracle (ebook and audio)
  • Standby (ebook)
  • Joys R Us (ebook and audio)
  • Flux (audio)
  • Equipoise (audio)
  • The Downs (ebook and audio)
  • Guarded (ebook and audio)
  • Treasure (ebook and audio)

Or maybe you’re in the mood for a holiday story? I have a variety of those:

  • Dear Ruth (fluffy Christmas)
  • Joys R Us (fluffy Christmas)
  • Anyplace Else (solstice)
  • Grateful (fluffy Hanukkah)
  • Saint Martin’s Day
  • The Festivus Miracle
  • Alaska (not-fluffy Christmas)
  • A Great Miracle Happened There (Hanukkah)

Finally, if you haven’t read the Once Upon a Time in the Weird West anthology, you can now preorder my story, “The Tale of August Hayling.” It releases Dec. 24 (and will have a cover by then!). Plus, the wonderful K.C. Kelly is recording an audio edition that will be available soon. All my royalties from these also go to Doctors Without Borders.


Interview Roulette: CC Bridges


It’s time for CC Bridges to play!

  1. Describe one of your weird or quirky habits.

I need some kind of white noise to sleep. Right now I have an app that plays ocean waves to lull me to sleep. I can’t sleep without it!

2. One of your characters is running for political office. Who is it and what’s the office?
Oh clearly this is Hank from Exodus (Heaven Corp book 2). He’s the most extroverted of all my characters, and he’s seen so much bad leadership. He’d definitely think he could do a better job than anyone else. And the office? Mayor of Downside maybe.

  1. What is your superpower?
    I have an incredible sense of smell. Which is odd considering I have terrible allergies. But the moment someone brings food into my place of work, I’m on that.


  1. What is the oddest thing on your music playlist?
    It’s probably a tossup between Finnish Power Metal and baby lullaby versions of classic rock.
  2. Batman or Superman?

Um. Wonder Woman?

  1. Where’s the weirdest place you’ve ever written?
    I really had to think about this one for a while. Then I remembered writing at a robotics competition. I think that’s really the weirdest place to do any sort of writing.
  2. Describe your dream house.
    My dream house would have a huge library in it, several stories tall and with one of those ladders that attach to the walls. It would also have a cozy room with a fireplace and plush carpets and couches. And there would definitely be a sun room with a gorgeous view of the outside – which I can enjoy from the inside.


Book blurb:

A deal with the devil….

Gabriel 1089 is an angel—an enhanced and cybernetically modified human designed to protect the city in the sky called Heaven. He follows Heaven’s orders and fights its enemies. But when an attack by demons leaves him trapped on the earth below, missing both a metal wing and his network-enabled halo, he’s cut off from his home for good and at the mercy of one man.

Jeff Werth is used to demons in need of his mechanical expertise showing up on the doorstep of the junkyard he runs in Old Trent. However, he doesn’t expect to be stuck with an injured angel. Jeff owes the demons for saving his daughter’s life, so he does what they demand—he nurses the angel back to health and keeps close track of him as a possible pawn in the high-stakes war between Heaven above and the demons below. But he doesn’t expect the effect Gabe has on his heart, or having to choose between his daughter and the man he’s come to love.


Book buy links:



Barnes and Noble:


Author bio:

CC Bridges is a mild-mannered librarian by day, but by night she writes about worlds of adventure and romance. When she’s not busy solving puzzles in an escape room, she can be found diving into comics or binge-watching superhero movies. She writes surrounded by books, spare computing equipment, a fluffy dog, and a long-suffering husband in the state of New Jersey. In 2011, she won a Rainbow Award for best gay sci-fi/futuristic novel.

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