Eat Your Alligator!: Pandemus Chronicles by Grace R. Duncan

~~For an explanation of Eat Your Alligator!, click here.~~


Pandemus Chronicles came out of the idea that I wanted to write a holiday story that was different, but still had a positive, happy ending. I’ve always been fascinated by post-apocalyptic worlds. One of my favorite novels of all time is The Stand. But the thing that always interested me about it is the “what if?” What would I do if I’d survived something like that?

When I sat down to write Celebrating You, which was a submission for the Heartwarming anthology through Dreamspinner, I knew the world wouldn’t be the focus. Though it would be there, the focus was most definitely on the guys—on their struggles, their emotions and, hopefully, on their new, budding relationship. When Healing came along a little while later, the same thing happened—the story was about them, their relationship, and their experiences that led them there, not so much the world. The world existed, but it wasn’t the biggest aspect of the story.

So, then, when I published it, I found quite a few folks who echoed what I was trying to get across—that it was a human, contemporary story, just with a few extra trials thrown in. While technically sci-fi/post-pandemic, it was still about the love and relationships, still had all the things in the world we’re all familiar with… just altered a bit.

Pandemus links:

My site:

Pandemus Chronicles @ Dreamspinner:

Celebrating You and links:

With the world’s population down to almost nothing and his husband dead, Daniel is sure he’ll spend Christmas alone with his dog, cats, and goats. Jake has been wandering aimlessly since the world went to hell and he lost his partner. As far as he’s concerned, there’s nothing to celebrate. But he finds himself helping Daniel with his Christmas tree and listening to him describe all the things to be thankful for.

Through tree decoration, dinner, and a chess game, Daniel and Jake discover a connection between them that hints at a possibility both had long declared impossible. When the chess game is over and they’re in each other’s arms, they realize how good it feels… and how right. But after having lost everything, are they willing to believe in the possibility of something beyond basic survival?





Healing blurb and links:

When Duncan stumbles into a pharmacy in search of something to fix his broken leg, he’s surprised to find someone else there. Like the rest of the post-pandemic world, it appeared empty. Instead, he discovers Mark, a former nurse who walked away from his profession after losing too many patients to the virus. Despite swearing he’d never practice medicine again, Mark patches Duncan up over Duncan’s protests. He even finds an abandoned house in the tiny town, and they settle in until Duncan heals enough to look out for himself. Much to the chagrin of both, they find themselves caring for each other.

Duncan welcomes it, thrilled at finding someone he can trust. However, he’s well aware of the shadows in Mark’s eyes and understands Mark’s reticence as he learns the story. But as he’s starting to do things for himself again, Duncan realizes he doesn’t want Mark to leave. He’s not sure if can get Mark to let go of his fears so they can stay together and love. But Duncan’s damned sure going to try.


Text Links:

noh8Grace Duncan grew up with a wild imagination.  She told stories from an early age – many of which got her into trouble.  Eventually, she learned to channel that imagination into less troublesome areas, including fanfiction, which is what has led her to writing male/male erotica.

A gypsy in her own right, Grace has lived all over the United States.  She has currently set up camp in East Texas with her husband and children – both the human and furry kind.

As one of those rare creatures who loves research, Grace can get lost for hours on the internet, reading up on any number of strange and different topics.  She can also be found writing fanfiction, reading fantasy, crime, suspense, romance and other erotica or even dabbling in art.

Find Grace here:

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