GRNW Report

I’m back from a whirlwind weekend in Seattle. It was my second GRNW (Gay Romance Northwest), and just like the first time, I had a blast.

The weekend began with a bunch of fantastic author readings. Then the main meet-up was on Saturday. I loved the panel I was on, which discussed characters over 40. We had a great talk. And I also really enjoyed attending the panel on writing BDSM.

One thing to love is that the meetup takes place in the Seattle Public Library, which is a really cool building.


There was a book signing. Take a look at the Dreamspinner spread:


I never take enough pics, and the ones I do take are crappy. But here are 3 of the attending authors, all such lovely people.


From left to right, L.C. Chase (who also made that gorgeous cover for Rattlesnake!), Charley Descoteaux, and Grace Duncan. Seeing old friends and meeting new ones is a major draw of GRNW for me.

In the evening, there was a banned books drag show. It was free, sponsored by the Seattle library, which has to be the coolest library anywhere. It was also packed and my spot had a crappy view. But here’s a photo I took:


That was a unique drag performance. (When my older daughter saw this photo, she said that it looked as if the performer got her entire costume from Hot Topic).

It was a wonderful weekend that went by way too fast. If you have the chance, I heartily recommend attending the next GRNW, which will be Sept. 24, 2016.

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