Need your input, please

I’d really appreciate your feedback on something.

I know it’s only July, but I’m thinking ahead for the holidays. As you might know, I donate all my royalties from my self-published books to Doctors Without Borders. I’m able to send them a fairly hefty amount each year–and I’d love to go extra big this year. So I had an idea. What if I packaged up a bunch of my free stories and novellas and made them available in one volume? Yes, I know you can get them free now. But if I did this, I would add a new, exclusive bonus short. I’d make it available not just on Kindle, but also in print. Which could make a nice holiday gift. And there’s the convenience factor of having lots of stories in one volume.

So here’s my first question: If I did this, would you be interested in purchasing the anthology?

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Second question: If so, in print or ebook version?

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Third question: How much would you be willing to pay for the ebook?

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Fourth question: How much would you be willing to pay for the print book?

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If you have any additional thoughts to share, please comment. Thanks so much!


In case you haven’t noticed, I’m sort of a busy bee. Or, um, a little compulsive. Anyway, I generally have a lot going on. And I’m wondering what might the best way to keep you guys up to date on what’s going on–and, I hope, lure you to visit my website and eventually buy my books.

So, please answer my poll to let me know which features you might find interesting and useful. Feel free to make comments too! I truly want to know your thoughts on this. Thank you!

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GRL Swag Poll

I’m excited that I’ll be attending GayRomLit this year as a supporting author! I went in 2012 and had a blast, but had to miss it last year because I was in Europe (I know–boo hoo). Now I’m trying to make a decision about swag, and I’d love your input.

I will definitely have two free stories to give away! One of them is a sequel to Guarded. But I wanted to give out something else too. I’ll have two releases in October and I thought it would be fun to theme my swag with one or both of those.

Bone Dry will be coming out that month. It’s the 3rd book in the Bones series. I will also have a vodou-themed novella called “The Dance.” It’ll be one of the stories in the second Gothika anthology, which is called Bones. So bones-themed swag makes sense to me.

But also, Bone Dry includes a pair of ducks and a dream unicorn named Skuld as minor characters. So maybe that would be fun.

Please vote your choice below. Feel free to spread the word so your friends can vote too. Oh, and comments are very welcome! Thank you!


online poll by Opinion Stage