October Fieldingpalooza Contests and Tour

It’s a busy time around here! October means FOUR new releases, and then a fifth release on November 1. To celebrate, a contest! Or really, multiple contests. Now, pay attention, because there’s a test at the end.

First off, we have three Rafflecopter giveaways. You can enter all three. If you comment, please specify which contest you’re commenting for. You can comment once for each if you like. 001This is one of the prizes: a tote bag filled with a T-shirt, swag, a surprise book of mine, and a bunch of bone-themed goodies. I’ll sign the bag if the winner wants me to, and I’ll ship anywhere.



Winners will be notified on November 1. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveawaya Rafflecopter giveaway

What are the new releases?

Brute in French on October 7


Bone Dry on October 10


“Standby” in the Stranded anthology on October 10

STRANDED-Final Cover

“The Dance” in the Bones anthology on October 27


The Festivus Miracle on November 1


And I’m doing a huge blog tour, so come visit these sites for interviews, trivia, and lots more. There’s another contest at the end!

On November 1, I will post a quiz. The answers to the quiz questions will be in all those guest posts–so it’s sort of a scavenger hunt. You’ll have one week to find the answers. Whoever gets the most answers correct wins one of those lovely bones swag bags, complete with t-shirt and goodies, plus a complete set of the Ennek trilogy in print (signed if you like), plus a $10 Dreamspinner gift certificate and a $10 Wayward Ink Publishing gift certificate. If there’s a tie, I’ll randomly choose a winner. So read all those guest posts–each one is different!–and keep an eye out for the end of tour quiz.

Fabulous 5 Blog Hop

The always-wonderful Charlie Cochet tagged me for the Fabulous Five Blog Hop.

1. What am I working on?

I always have lots of things going in different stages! I’m just beginning to write an urban fantasy novel based on raven mythology. If all goes well, it’ll be the first in a series. I’ve also begun a partnership with the talented Venona Keyes on a contemporary novel about a runner. I just submitted a contemporary novella called “Grown-Up” about a guy who realizes it’s finally time to grow up. I’m in edits for a short story called “Standby,” which will release October 10 in the Stranded anthology from Wayward Ink Press. I’m just about finished on edits for my novella “The Dance,” which will be in the second Gothika anthology, Bones. It has a voodoo theme and I’m joined by 3 wonderful authors. It’ll be available October 27. I just finished the galley proofs for my third Bones book, Bone Dry. It comes out October 10. And… I will soon be in edits for my holiday short story, “Saint Martin’s Day,” a part of Dreamspinner Press’s Advent Calendar package.

Yes, I use a spreadsheet to keep track.

2. How does my work differ from others in its genre?

When you read my previous answer, did you notice the stories spanned several genres? Contemporary, paranormal and urban fantasy. I’ve also written lots of fantasy and even a historical. I think my inability to stick to a single genre is one thing that sets me apart. I blame my muse. But I figure love is love, wherever, whenever, and whatever, and good writing should be enjoyable no matter what the genre.

My heroes tend to be untraditional. They’re introverts. They may have disabilities. They are not necessarily breathtakingly handsome. But still they find love.

Also, I have a teeny tiny tendency to torture my poor guys before finding them a happy ending.

3. Why do I write what I do?

I have to. Seriously, I’d write even if I knew nobody else would ever read a word of it.

I fell into m/m romance accidentally. I took a deep breath and wrote my first novel, Stasis, for NaNoWriMo. And the story that came to me just happened to involve a gay man (who’s also a wizard of sorts and who has several major issues!) who rescues another man from a terrible punishment.

And then a lot of other stories followed!

4. How does my writing process work?

I keep a (long) file of story ideas. I generally write only one thing at a time (although there are exceptions). I write a story all the way through (usually on my laptop at my kitchen table) and don’t allow myself to edit until the first draft is done. Then I go back, reread, and fiddle with it. I send it to my lovely beta for a couple rounds of editing, and voila!

5. What’s next on the blog hop? Some of my favorite authors, that’s who:  Eli Easton, Jamie Fessenden, Andrew Q. Gordon, and Tali Spencer. (Yes, that’s only 4. So sue me.)