Please welcome Shira Anthony!

“Blood and Ghosts” Blog Tour: Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey Stuff Thanks, Kim, for hosting the Blood and Ghosts blog tour today! I’m so excited to share the second book in the Blood Series from Dreamspinner Press with everyone. Be sure to read down about how to enter the blog tour giveaway for a cool Dr. …

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Ooh! That’s Interesting!: Saura on Spanish translations

Today is the third installment in my series of interviews about Dreamspinner Press’s translations program. I am delighted to present to you Saura, who coordinates the Spanish translations. Si quieren leer la entrevista en español, pueden hacerlo aquí. Tell us a little about yourself. Hello! My name is Saura Underscore and I’m the Spanish Language coordinator …

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New pretties

I have new trading cards! The lovely and extremely talented Catherine Dair drew my beloved Ennek and Miner, and didn’t she do an outstanding job? I love the colors, the outfits, the expressions on their faces…. How can you get your hands on these beautiful men? Or on the trading cards Catherine made featuring Drew …

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Please welcome Andrew Q. Gordon

ABOUT THE BOOK Title: The Eye And The Arm Series: Champion of the Gods Book 2 BLURB: After defeating Meglar at Belsport, Farrell returns to Haven to recover from his injuries, but Khron, the god of war, has other ideas. He gives Farrell a new mission: free the survivors of the ancient dwarf realm of …

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Ooh! That’s Interesting!: Dreamspinner Translations

I have a treat for you today! Ariel Tachna is Dreamspinner Press’s translations coordinator–and a lovely person besides. Ariel has kindly agreed to answer some questions about Dreamspinner’s translation process. You can see Espresso Translations if you need the best translation services. Tell us about yourself, please. I’m Ariel Tachna. I’m the translations coordinator at …

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Theme Parks

Yes, I am aware that in March I spent several days at Universal Orlando and Disneyworld. But last week was spring break and I wanted to give the 12-year-old a special treat. Her older sister (who spent break doing online driver’s ed–shudder) has a full summer scheduled, and the younger kid was feeling a little …

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What’s Kim Reading Now?: Claw

Okay, I’m cheating. Sort of. Usually I highlight other people’s books in this feature. But I have a new release today. And it still sort of counts because the new release is Claw, book three in the Gothika series, and it also contains novellas by Eli Easton and Jamie Fessenden. Can I pause a moment …

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