Tales from the Road: Scenes from Rattlesnake

I recently visited Vegas. Part of the drive back from there mirrors Jimmy’s drive at the beginning of Rattlesnake, so I took a couple of photos. This is near the town of Mojave, which isn’t far from where Jimmy picks up a hitchhiker. And that’s how the story begins. If you’ve read the book, you …

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Soooo tiiiiiiiired

I am back from RT in Vegas. It was an amazing experience but I’ve had to jump right back into the day job–and I’m exhausted. I know, I know. Poor me. Let me begin by saying that if you must drive 500 miles each way, you want to do it with Amy Lane. Who’s still totally …

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There’s busy, and then there are the kind of weeks when you work until midnight every night, wake up to work again at 6:30, and still don’t get everything done. Guess which kind of week I’ve been having.  We had a minor crisis when younger daughter woke up and couldn’t find her glasses. This is …

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