Cover Reveal: Staged

Staged is available now for preorder! Once the second-prize winner on My Slave’s Got Talent, Sky Blue has spent the past few years singing at a failing New York nightclub. While Sky has never had control over his fate, his life seems to take a turn for the worse when he’s torn from the familiar …

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Help solve a mystery?

One of the dangers of writing is getting lost in research. Because I am a geek and I do love doing research. Today for my WIP I was looking up some stuff about Northwest Portland in the 1960s. It’s only a very minor plot point, actually, but I like to be accurate. I discovered the …

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Men with guns

When I was 20 years old, a man pointed a gun at me. At the time, I was working at a little deli to help pay my college expenses. It was a Saturday and I was there alone. A man walked in, pretended to read the menu for a moment, and then pulled out a handgun, …

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