Too many books?

I have a problem. You may have a similar problem. Book addiction. Yes, this helped inspire Elliott in The Little Library. And although many of my purchases are ebooks, I also have a hard time resisting the pull of print books. Which is why my shelves look like this. And like this. And like this. Those …

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The Little Library is here!

Are you familiar with the concept of Little Free Libraries? Someone builds one on their property and sticks books in it, and anyone who passes by can borrow a book. The idea is that borrowers will return the books when they’re done with them, or replace them with new ones. You can check here to …

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The Little Library will release March 26

Yay! As originally planned, The Little Library will release March 26. Yay! The paperback may take an extra couple of days. I’m setting it up so that if you buy the paperback, you get the ebook for free. Here’s the ebook preorder link! Thank you for your patience!

Update on The Little Library

Folks, after considerable agonizing, I’ve asked Riptide Publishing to return the rights for The Little Library to me. This wasn’t any easy decision, but I made it in hopes of doing the best I can for my readers, who I appreciate so much. Riptide has been extremely accommodating in this matter. So much so that …

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Happy Monday from Zagreb!

I’ve been in Zagreb for a week now. I’m spending some of my time doing day-job work at the university, but of course I’m also having fun. I’ve been wandering, shopping, visiting museums, meeting up with friends, and eating my favorite local foods. I’ve lucked out with some good weather. It was snowing lightly when …

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Over the moon

I’m in one of my favorite places in the world–Zagreb. I have a lovely apartment literally in the center of the city. I’m dealing with travel adventures such as lost luggage (now found), unaccessible work email (now accessed), and deciphering labels and signs in a language I don’t speak (Croatian people generally speak excellent English …

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Off again

As you’re reading this, I’m arriving in one of my favorite cities, Zagreb. (Which has featured in a few of my stories, of course.) I’ll be staying in a wonderful apartment right on the main square (I once spent a month in that apartment). Ten zillion cafes and one of Europe’s best greenmarkets, all right …

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