I hope all of you are finding a bit of peace amidst the holiday bustle. My children have been shipped off to grandparents, while my husband and I fled the country. It’s been a deliciously lazy week. This is the view from our balcony:    And my big decisions have mostly concerned whether to have …

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Brute blog tour winners

Congratulations to Rush, strive4best, Juliana, and Urb, the winning commenters during the Brute blog tour. And thank you very much to all of you for visiting with me. Happy holidays to you all!

Today is your last chance to win a copy of Brute on the blog tour! Here’s the list of blog entries: https://www.kfieldingwrites.com/?p=270 Every comment gives you another chance to win! 🙂

Almost vacation

As I prepare to drag myself and my family all over the place for the holidays, I thought I’d share two photos with you. The first one is my younger daughter working on peppermint bark (recipe in my last post). You can tell from her expression that she takes pounding very seriously. Careful drizzling is …

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Peppermint Bark

The weeks leading up to the holidays are really busy ones for me. I’m a university professor, so I’m always spending that time grading exams and term papers and dealing with all the end of the semester chaos. So although I like to bake I generally don’t have much time for it in December. This …

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Guest blogger: Jana Denardo

Today I’m very pleased to welcome Jana Denardo as a guest. When I started my novella, The Darkest Midnight in December, it was actually a short story aimed at Dreamspinner Press’s Advent Calendar, but it took a darker bounce. I worked it into a novella, getting the chance to research and write some of the …

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Pubic Shaming

It’s that magical time of the year again! No, not the holidays. I mean that it’s the end of the semester, when I can collect bloopers from student essays and term papers. Every one of the following sentences was written by one of my (university) students this semester. I have reproduced them verbatim for your …

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Just a quick reminder that the Brute Blog Tour is in full swing. Drop by and leave comments for the chance to win. Today Matthew Lang interviewed me: http://www.matthew-lang.com/ Here are all the tour stops: https://www.kfieldingwrites.com/?p=270 Also, Dec. 7 is the last day to get Equipoise on Kindle for free.

Brute is here!

Brute is available now! And to kick off the blog tour, I’m interviewed at Slashsessed. And there’s a contest!Brute at DreamspinnerBrute at AmazonBrute at All Romance

Rainbow Awards cover contest

I had to share some wonderful news! The cover that the amazingly talented Anne Cain made for my novella Speechless tied for third in the Rainbow Awards cover contest! There were initially many hundreds of entries, so this is quite an accomplishment. I am so very thrilled. Not that I can take any of the credit, …

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