Scenes from the WIP

One of the two novels I’m working on right now takes places mostly in San Francisco. Since I was in the city over the weekend, I took a few location shots.  This is Market Street. The characters in the book live not far from there, and a small but important scene takes place on this …

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San Francisco

I spent the weekend in San Francisco with some friends. Mostly we ate. But we visited some really fun places. Picture-heavy post! We ate: That’s sarde in saor, a dish you may remember mentioned in Venetian Masks. Yum! We stayed at the Drake hotel, where Sir Francis himself hovers over the bar and I found a …

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On the road again….

I’m going to begin with a question: Are you planning to attend RT in Vegas in April? You can answer the poll here or comment on this post: Why am I asking? Well, I’ll be there. I’d love to see some of you. And I’d love to give you some special swag, but that means …

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Cover reveal! Stasis, 2nd Edition

I am very pleased to announce that the second edition of Stasis is available for preorder from DSP Publications. Here’s the beautiful cover by Reese Dante: Praesidium is the most prosperous city-state in the world, due not only to its location at the mouth of a great bay but also to its strict laws, stringently …

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So much going on!

It’s one of those times when everything is happening all at once. Bear with me. We’ll do a list because lists make things look more manageable. For this weekend only, Good Bones, Astounding!, and The Tin Box are 99 cents each at Dreamspinner. That includes the Italian Good Bones and the German Tin Box. …

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Available now: Free story in Italian

If you’ve looked at my Upcoming Releases page, you know I have a lot of things in the works. New stories, rereleases, audiobooks, translations…. Two of those new things release today! Senza parole is Speechless in Italian. And Dreamspinner has sweetened the pot by also releasing L’ingaggio (The Gig) in Italian–and that one’s free!  

Trying something new

Last night, I was trying to explain to my husband how busy I am. February, I said, is going crazy busy. But March will be my head’s falling off busy, so I guess I should enjoy the relative lull. I’m writing two novels right now, which is unusual for me; I usually limit myself to …

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