Speechless and The Gig–in Italian

I get really excited over translations of my books. It’s just so cool to see my stories in another language, even if I can’t understand that language. In total, my stories have appeared in 5 languages besides English (French, German, Italian, Japanese, and Spanish)–which is so much fun. So now Speechless and The Gig are …

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Haiku Winner–and wonderful judges!

Thank you to those talented folks who entered haikus in my contest! I had a lot of fun reading them, and it was a close contest among the judges. let me begin by introducing the lovely panel of judges. You’ll find more information about all of them below: Shira Anthony Jana Denardo Sarah Madison Elizabeth …

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Newsy blog and reminders

This is a newsy sort of blog entry. How about if I post photos from San Francisco next week to balance things out? –There’s still a little time to enter the haiku contest. Come play! –If you haven’t voted already, I’m in the second round in several categories over here. Voting ends January 15. –Also, …

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Haiku contest!

I’ve begun my year productively, submitting my 14th novel, finishing the galley proofs on another novel, and completing the first draft of a novella. All while suffering with a cold because yes! I am that studly. Another thing I recently did was finish listening to K.C. Kelly’s narration of Rattlesnake. I knew he’d do a wonderful job, …

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It’s 2016?

Happy New Year! After spending a good chunk of yesterday buying a new car (yay!), and being still under the influence of a cold, I went to bed at 10:30 last night. That’s how exciting I am. Both my daughters had friends spending the night. They woke me up a few minutes before midnight so …

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