Haiku winners!

I am delighted to announce the winners of my gay romance haiku contest! There were some really wonderful entries, and I so enjoyed reading them. First prize goes to Megan (@essgem) for this gem: Later the men mused: It had not been their best plan, Coupling on the beach Esepcially appropriate since I’m looking out …

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Please welcome Andrew Q. Gordon!

A Closed Door – Part of the Love, Loss, Laughter & Lust Anthology From Wayward Ink Publishing First, thank you, Kim for letting me use your blog to talk about my newest story. With the progress of LGBT rights, the challenges of gay men and their coming out is also changing.  Once upon a time—like …

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Hi folks! I have not disappeared from the face of the earth. I am actually halfway through a family vacation–which is lots of fun, but doesn’t lead to much productivity. We had some fantastic entries in the haiku contest! The lovely judges are currently doing their jobs. I’ll announce the winner next week. If you …

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Haiku contest judges

I’d like to introduce you to the wonderful people who will be judging the haiku contest (There’s still time to enter! Click here for details.) The judging panel is: Shira AnthonyJamie Lynn MillerAndrea SpeedTali Spencer I’m a big fan of all these authors and so excited that they’ve agreed to judge! Here’s more information on …

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Haiku contest! Prizes!

Two events coincided these last couple of days. First off, I passed 1000 Twitter followers! Yay! My 14-year-old daughter says this means I am officially cool. So there’s that. And I wanted to celebrate being cool because, well, it doesn’t happen all that often. Sure, the next time someone cuts me off in traffic or …

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Thoughts on Marriage

Today is our wedding anniversary. We got married so long ago that we rode a woolly mammoth to our honeymoon. Okay, not quite–but our car did have an 8-track player. (Our honeymoon destination? Exotic Lincoln, Nebraska, where we were about to relocate for grad school). And we’ve known each other forever. We met when I was …

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Guarded illustration

Have you read my new novella, Guarded? If so, you might enjoy this artwork by my 11-year-old daughter: That dragon is sleeping, not dead. 🙂 She produced it on commission for me, which is fitting for the family artist. Hubby’s great with numbers and mechanical things, and Older Daughter and I do words. We make …

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Free novella & an interview

So the last 24 hours have been quite busy for me! Last night I got to have dinner with the wonderful Amy Lane and her amazing family. So much fun! Her kids (and her husband too!) are really fantastic. Then this morning, Amy and I were interviewed on Capital Public Radio. You can listen to …

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Hell & High Water by Charlie Cochet– cover reveal!

Hell and High Water  (Thirds Series, Bk #1) By Charlie Cochet Blurb:  When homicide detective Dexter J. Daley’s testimony helps send his partner away for murder, the consequences—and the media frenzy—aren’t far behind. He soon finds himself sans boyfriend, sans friends, and, after an unpleasant encounter in a parking garage after the trial, he’s lucky …

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