In my new novel Buried Bones, an important scene occurs at a rodeo. That scene was inspired by my first visit to a rodeo.
Last July, I got to go to the St. Paul Rodeo. It’s a really big one, and it occurs on the 4th of July.
I’ve lived most of my life in suburbs and small cities. Like Dylan, I experienced a bit of culture shock at the rodeo. But it was a lot of fun.
Here’s our view from the grandstands. I was really impressed by what amazing athletes the contestants are. Those guys (and gals) really get thrown around.
Aside from the competitions, the rodeo also has carnival rides and games, vendor booths, and various fried foods. This was a deep-fried Oreo. If you read Buried Bones, you might notice that this kid makes a cameo appearance.
Unlike Chris, I did not encounter any surprises from my past at the rodeo. I did, however, enjoy the cute guys in chaps!
Next week: Doughnuts!