A plea to you. Yes, you.

Hey, can you do me a favor?

Tomorrow, November 1, my newest book releases. It’s called The Festivus Miracle and it’s a light, sweet holiday story. You can preorder it right now, in fact.

And here’s the thing: I’m donating 100% of my royalties from this book to Doctors Without Borders.  Actually, I donate all my self-published royalties to DWB. This organization does amazing work. And 87% of donated money goes to their programs (rather than, say, salaries or fundraising costs). That’s a very high percentage. It makes me really happy to help support them.

So here’s what I’m asking you: buy The Festivus Miracle. It’s only $1.99. Preorder it now or buy it tomorrow, because if everyone buys at once it’ll rise in the sale rankings. And that will make it more visible to prospective buyers which will, I hope, lead to even more sales. I’d really love to give DWB a healthy donation.

Also, spread the word, please! Tell everyone you know that they must purchase this book or their lives will be incomplete. Tell them they will be entertained and earn good karma. Tell them that it’s a rare chance to obtain 10,000 words of joy plus the satisfaction of doing good, both for under two bucks.

Heck, you could buy a copy for each of your friends and relatives and polish off your holiday shopping quickly and cheaply. Surely Aunt Martha and Cousin Rodney are in need of a little sweet m/m romance in their lives!

Here’s the buy link: Right here.

Here’s the cover:


And the blurb:

It’s finals week during Tony McNeil’s second year in law school, and he’s struggling to keep up. Frankly, he’d rather be cooking. Then he meets first-year student Eddie Cohen-Fernandez, who’s heartsick over missing his family’s annual Festivus celebration. Tony can use his culinary skills to lift Eddie’s spirits, but finding long-term happiness? That just might require a Festivus miracle.

And a teeny tiny tease:

Sure enough, when Tony pulled to a halt in front of Eddie’s building, Eddie was waiting for him, smiling widely even as he hunched in his thin jacket. He cradled a paper bag–wrapped bottle in his arms.

“Hi!” he yelled as he collapsed into the passenger seat. He set the bottle between his feet and held his hands in front of the heating vents. “It’s cold out there!”

It was barely below freezing. Tony didn’t have the heart to tell him how much lower the temps would drop. “I have the heat all the way up.”

“I know. Thanks.”

They chatted briefly about school while Tony drove them home, and although Eddie was as talkative as ever, Tony detected a slight touch of melancholy. “Everything okay?” he asked.

“Yeah. Sorry. I promise not to be a wet blanket. I just got off the phone with Mom a little while ago.”

“Problems at home?”

“Nah. She just misses me. Festivus is a few nights away. Tomorrow she and Dad will erect the pole and—”

“Erect the pole?”

Eddie laughed and poked Tony’s arm. “Ew. No parental-related double entendres, please. It’s an actual metal pole. Well, a shower curtain rod, if you want to be picky. Mom fixed it so it screws into a wooden base and stands upright.”


“Instead of a Christmas tree.”


“It’s how we celebrate.” Eddie’s voice turned a little dreamy. “We have meatloaf and vegan spaghetti for the meal. Nobody in my family can cook worth a damn, but that’s not the point anyway. Afterward, we exchange regifts.”

“Regifts?” Tony loved hearing Eddie go on like this. It made him seem both youthful and exotic.

“You’re not allowed to buy anything. You have to give something you already own. Like, last year one of my sisters—the Wiccan one—gave me a rainbow T-shirt. And I gave one of my nieces my collection of Harry Potter books. It’s fun. And we have feats of strength, and some people try to sing, and then we argue over which sappy holiday movie to watch. We have popcorn. It’s….” His voice trailed away.

“It sounds really nice,” Tony said with complete honesty.

See? You need that, right? Don’t you want to know what happens to Tony and Eddie?

So, please. Buy. Pimp to everyone you know. You need another tease as inspiration? Fine.

Tony had kissed men before. But he’d never really understood what the big deal was. It was just lips and slippery tongues—the real action, as far as he was concerned, was farther south.

But now he got what the fuss was all about.

Eddie threaded his fingers through Tony’s hair, cradling his skull with gentle hands. And Eddie’s mouth against his was soft but insistent, tasting slightly of wine and spices. When they kissed, Eddie stole all the oxygen from Tony’s lungs but gave back a pure heat that spread through Tony’s nerves and veins and made his skin feel too tight.

“Oh,” Tony said when Eddie drew back a bit.

“Oh my God,” Eddie agreed. With his eyes wide, he appeared as startled as Tony felt. “That was—”

“More.” Tony tugged him close again and greedily dove back in.

Thank you!

PS–You have until midnight Pacific time Oct 31 to enter the Fieldingpalooza contests. And tomorrow, November 1, I’ll be posting a new contest with a fun new prize.


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