Back to work!

I’m back from my road trip! It was a big one. My older daughter (who just graduated high school) came with me, and we traveled through 10 states: California, Nevada, Utah, Wyoming, Nebraska, South Dakota, Montana, Idaho, Washington, and Oregon. We drove almost 4500 miles. At one point, we slept in a different state every night, six nights in a row.

If you want to see way more photos, check out my Instagram and/or Tumblr accounts. We saw a lot of wildlife, hung out with friends and family, and visited some really cool places. Like a coal tipple, a prison, the Penis of the Plains, and not one but two Stonehenge replicas (one made out of old cars). I got to legally drive 80 MPH. And I picked up some plot bunnies too, of course.

But now it’s back to work. I submitted my 21st novel yesterday, and now I have two more novel deadlines to meet.

How did your June go?

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