I’ve just spent a few wonderful days at GayRomLit 2014 in Chicago. I saw lots of old friends and met lots of new friends too. I danced for the first time since my high school prom (I’m sincerely hoping there’s no video of that). I signed books, fangirled over some of my favorite authors, and generally had a good time.

If you’ve never considered going to GRL, you should. It’ll be in San Diego next year. You’ve never met a more welcoming, fun group of people.

A few photos!

032My table at the book signing! I gave away 150 uniducks.

038 The lovely Lex Chase does an awesome reading from her book Americana Fairy Tale.

046 B.G. Thomas did an amazing reading from one of his books.

047 And this is Shira Anthony, who used to be an opera singer, and who delighted the crowd by singing for us.

049 There was karaoke too. Venona Keyes and Lane Hayes totally owned “I Love Rock ‘n’ Roll.”

052 This was the great panel on historicals: Jordan L. Hawk, Charlie Cochet, and Kate MacMurray.

055 Charlie Cochet. Yes, she always looks this good.

057 Lex Chase.

058 Poppy Dennison.

059 Jessica Freely.

062 Look! My hair coordinates with Mary Calmes!

066 Posy Roberts and Charlie Cochet.

067 Shira Anthony, B.G. Thomas, and Venona Keyes (who’s co-writing a book with me right now!!)

063 Chicago pizza, of course.

045 These guys were very sweet. And–darn!!–it took 6 tries to get this photo. Hey, my hair coordinates with the guy on the right, too.

079 This afternoon I went downtown and caught the fantastic Bowie exhibit at the Museum of Contemporary Art. I’ve been crushing on Bowie since I was 12, so this was great.

081 And I had a wonderful dinner at BoHo. Tasted as good as it looks.

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