Holiday shopping for a good cause

I went to New Orleans. I have photos. I’ll share them later this week (she says threateningly). I have a book coming out tomorrow. I’ll post about that… tomorrow.

But today I want to give you holiday shopping ideas.

I donate all the royalties from my self-published books to Doctors Without Borders. That includes my self-pubbed audiobooks (with some of your favorite narrators). It also includes the Ennek series, which I originally self-pubbed but which has been released in a 2nd edition by DSP Publications. In fact, tomorrow’s book, Equipoise, is the final book in that trilogy.

All of these books are available in e-book versions. Some are also in print, and some are on audio. So here, for your shopping ease, is a complete list. Again, all my royalties from these purchases go to Doctors Without Borders, so you can buy a gift while also supporting an excellent cause.

Buy links for all of these are on this page.

  • Stasis (print, ebook, audio)
  • Flux (print and ebook; audio coming in 2017)
  • Equipoise (releases Nov. 29!) (print and ebook)
  • The Sacrifice and Other Stories (print and ebook)
  • The Festivus Miracle (ebook and audio)
  • Joys R Us (ebook and audio)
  • The Downs (ebook is free on my website or 99 cents at Amazon; also on audio)
  • Guarded (ebook is free on my website or 99 cents at Amazon; also on audio)
  • Treasure (ebook is free on my website or 99 cents at Amazon; also on audio)

If you’re looking for something besides books, I have a Zazzle store. There you can find cool stuff emblazoned with beautiful art from some of my books. And there, too, all my proceeds go to Doctors Without Borders.

Have fun shopping!

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