Interview Roulette: Cody Kennedy

Cody Kennedy joins us for Interview Roulette this week!

    1. What’s your writing style—slow and steady or full speed ahead? I have four writing speeds:
      • It’s full speed ahead through the first draft without regard to traffic signals, stop signs, yield signs, medians, curbs, bike lanes, crosswalks, people walking pets… and pets walking people.
      • In the second draft, I pay attention to the rules of drivingwriting and work on sentence structure and grammar.
      • In the third draft, my OCD kicks in, and it’s slow and steady, looking for continuity errors, and checking plot points, character emphasis, and arcs.
      • In the final read-through before submission, I’m like a young teen in his first stick-shift truck. Forward, jerk—fix that—forward, jerk—edit that—forward, jerk—that has no story value, delete that—forward, jerk—I like that, beef it up—and so on.
      • My grandfather used to say young people should be recalled as unsafe at any speed. Though now old(er), I may still qualify for being recalled.
    2. What is your spirit animal? I have a spirit herd. A unicorn, a fairy, a taco, but mostly, the Diet Coke is strong in me.
    3. Describe one of your weird or quirky habits. One? Just one?
    4. What was your favorite school subject? Least favorite? Mathematics and sciences were equal faves. My least favorite was English, and anything related thereto, including but not limited to, grammar, composition, and speech. *cringe*
    5. What is the strangest food you like to eat? Steak Taretare. #TrueStory
    6. Are you a nerd and/or a geek? Provide evidence to support your answer. Both. I am absolutely an expert in almost no fields (who cares about forensic accounting?—no, that does not mean that I work with dead numbers). I spend hours doing research only to ensure I understand things. And I am most certainly socially inept (I am a recluse. Period. End of report. My social skills extend to conversing with my three parrots.)

Don’t miss the dramatic conclusion of the Elpída Series! Elpída releases May 30th!

Michael and Christy attended prom, graduated high school, and Michael leads the USATF tryouts. With Oxford University on the horizon, his future looks bright and he believes life has returned to normal after Christy’s rescue. He couldn’t be more wrong.

Christy has been free from a life of slavery for more than a year and made remarkable progress due in no small part to the love he found with Michael. But the recent prosecution of a past abuser has shattered the life he so painstakingly built out of nothing but a mountain of horror. He now faces the daunting task of building a new life—yet again.

Twelve-year-old Thimi has been missing since Christy left Greece and, unbeknownst to everyone, has hidden out in a vacant mansion in Glyfada. Learning of Christy’s survival is the only thing that brings him out of hiding. People, open spaces, even the most common of sounds frighten him beyond reason. A mere ghost of a boy, Thimi arrives in the US with no knowledge of the outside world—the only constant in his life a purple marble.

Lost, shattered, and afraid, only hope gives them the strength and courage they need to begin anew.


Book buy links:

Dreamspinner Press

Harmony Ink Press


Barnes & Noble

Google Play



Author bio:

Cody is an author who lives on the East Coast of the United States. Cody also writes adult mystery thrillers, fantasy, science fiction, and romance as Aisling Mancy.

Raised on the mean streets and back lots of Hollywood by a Yoda-look-alike grandfather, Cody doesn’t conform, doesn’t fit in, is epic awkward, and lives to perfect a deep-seated oppositional defiance disorder. In a constant state of fascination with the trivial, Cody contemplates such weighty questions as If time and space are curved, then where do all the straight people come from? When not writing, Cody can be found taming waves on western shores, pondering the nutritional value of sunsets, appreciating the much-maligned dandelion, unhooking guide ropes from stanchions, and marveling at all things ordinary.

Cody’s blog, FacebookTwitter @CodyKAuthor, PinterestTumblrGoogle+Ello, GoodreadsMediumBooklikes, and read my free serial story, Fairy.

Find Ash on blogTwitter @AislingMancy, FacebookGoogle+GoodreadsBooklikes, Dreamspinner Press Author Page, and Amazon and Ash does respond to emails because, after all, it is all about you, the reader.

Author contacts:

  • Website/Blog
  • Facebook
  • Twitter @CodyKAuthor
  • Goodreads
  • Amazon Author Page


8 thoughts on “Interview Roulette: Cody Kennedy”

  1. I did not know about Steak Taretare but after a little research – it is the same holiday treat we have in Wisconsin by a different name 😀
    This was an awesome interview, thank you Cody and Kim <3
    Looking forward to Elpida!!!


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