Interview Roulette: Lillian Francis

Today’s player is Lillian Francis!

  1. Describe an annoying habit one of your characters has.

Tyaan, from Theory Unproven, bakes when he’s happy and considers cookies an appropriate form of courting. Not bad or annoying in the scheme of things, but, despite a whole herd of elephants to run around after, Eric is worried he’s going to get fat.

  1. Which would be your preferred vacation choice: a luxury hotel, an apartment in a historic building, or a tent?

That’s easy. Historic building, every time. I’d love to stay in a castle. Tromping around old buildings and ruins is one of my favourite things. Luckily, living in England means I have any number to chose from.

  1. Pick any place in the world to spend the next 6 months. Where is it and why?

Australia. I’d love to travel all around Australia, especially the coast, and check out all the local wildlife.

  1. If you could choose anyone on the planet to narrate an audio version of your latest book, who would it be?

Gareth David Lloyd or David Tennant, I’m not fussy.

  1. Name two of your pet peeves.

‘Free on Kindle Unlimited’ It’s not free, readers pay a monthly subscription. Grrr!  Lads that wear their trousers so low that I can see more of their underwear than I’d like. An inch or so can be sexy, so far down their arse that they can’t even walk properly…not so much. Heaven forbid they have to run for a bus.

  1. Cats or dogs? Discuss. Both. I’m an equal opportunities owner. Any animal, all the animals. They don’t even have to be fluffy (unless they’re meant to be – hairless cats freak me out).


Book blurb:

Ewan Matthews is one of Boston’s leading genealogy experts. When a would-be bridegroom comes looking for confirmation that there are no skeletons in his ancestral closet, Ewan considers turning the job down. Trey Capell is a jerk of the highest order and yet Ewan experiences an infuriating attraction that’s easy to justify. Trey’s exactly his type—a carbon copy of the man Ewan’s been looking for his entire life.

Harder to explain is the sense of recognition that leaves Ewan speechless the moment Trey steps into his office. Or the stomach-churning sensation at the thought of casting the job aside.

Trey gets more appealing by the day, leaving Ewan struggling with forbidden desire for his client. Desire not helped by strange voyeuristic dreams that have started to haunt his sleep. Dreams that appear to be an echo of the past.

Book buy links:

Buy Links: Kobo // Payhip // B&N // Smashwords

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Author bio:

Lillian Francis is a self-confessed geek who likes nothing more than settling down with a comic or a good book, except maybe writing. Given a notepad, pen, her Kindle, and an infinite supply of chocolate Hobnobs and she can lose herself for weeks. Romance was never her reading matter of choice, so it came as a great surprise to all concerned, including herself, to discover a romance was exactly what she’d written, and not the rollicking spy adventure or cosy murder mystery she always assumed she’d write.


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