New Orleans

I’ve traveledĀ a fair bit around the US and Europe, but I’ve never managed to visit New Orleans. I’ve tried several times–it’s definitely on my bucket list–but somehow never got there. That’s about to change though, because I’ll be attending a conference in NOLA next month. The conference is for my day job, so I’ll have to do the academic stuff. But I’m definitely planning on sightseeing as well.

I already have a voodoo/cemetery walking tour booked. That’s an absolute must for me because, as you might know from previous posts, I love visiting old cemeteries. And thanks to my novella “The Dance” (in the Bones anthology), I’m really interested in voodoo.

So, those of you who know the city, what else do you recommend I see and do? I’m especially interested in things having to do with history, writing, the macabre, and of course food. Please comment with your suggestions!

2 thoughts on “New Orleans”

  1. This was my gift to myself when I graduated from med school. I did love it and those cemeteries are awesome. Have a blast.


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