30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 30

Wow! We made it through all 30 days of the writing challenge. And it was fun! 30. One thing you’re excited for My new book! Love Can’t Conquer releases in four days. You can preorder it now, even. I’m really excited about this one, which will be the first in a series. Hunky urban park …

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30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 29

29. The night of your 21st birthday Just after midnight the day I turned 21, I went to Safeway and bought beer. They didn’t card me, which was disappointing. And I couldn’t buy hard liquor because this was in Oregon, where you could buy wine and beer in grocery stores but had to buy hard …

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30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 28

28. The word or phrase you use constantly. In person, I say these things a lot: Have I answered all your questions? It’s in the syllabus Do your job Do your homework/the dishes/your laundry, etc In writing, I find that each book has at least one overused word. Well, my editors find that, actually. In …

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30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 26

26. Things you’d say to an ex I don’t have an ex. My husband was pretty much my first boyfriend. I also try really, really hard not to harbor bitterness toward others. I’m not always successful, but I do believe that kind of anger only hurts the person who nurtures it in her heart. Anyway, …

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30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 25

25. Four weird traits you have I always arrive at airports early. Way early. Obsessively so. It doesn’t help that all the airports are 100 miles from me, with unpredictable traffic in between. I stress about it. And I like hanging out in airports–they’re often good places to work–so I’d rather just be really early …

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30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 23

23. A family member you dislike That’s awful. I can honestly say I like all my family members. A lot. So instead, I’ll write about a family member’s annoying habit. I do almost all my writing while sitting at the kitchen table. I have a study, but I prefer the kitchen because then I’m not …

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30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 22

22. Your morning routine This varies depending on the day of the week and time of the year. A typical academic weekday morning looks like this: Wake up when husband’s alarm goes off at 6:30. Try to go back to sleep, but fail. Get up at 7:30 Shower, etc. Head downstairs Start up laptop Brew …

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30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 21

21. Your zodiac/horoscope and whether you think it fits you. I don’t believe in this. I’m an Aries born in the Chinese year of the ram, so, you know, double sheep. Here are the supposed traits of ram people: Strengths gentle, softhearted, considerate, attractive, hardworking, persistent, thrift Weaknesses indecisive, timid, vain, pessimistic, moody, weak-willed Only …

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