Interview Roulette: Grace Duncan

Today’s Interview Roulette player is Grace Duncan!

  1. What is your favorite appliance? Hmm. It used to be the coffee maker but I’ve since started using a French press. So, I’ll have to go with the water cooler (does that count? It does now. :P) because it gives me immediate hot water… to make my coffee with.
  2. A genie pops up and offers to grant you one talent. What do you choose and why? Marketing. I have a talent for writing (I swear, I’m NOT conceited, I’m just trying to remind myself I do already know how to write.). I need a talent for getting it out there to the right readers and to enough readers to make enough to live on. J
  3. If you were to become a street performer, what would you do to entertain people and earn some money? Probably sing. I can actually carry a decent tune, even without background music. I’m no Shira Anthony, not by a long shot, but I could sing well enough to earn a cup of coffee.
  4. Cats or dogs? Discuss. Mmm. I’m going to go with dogs because they think I’m the god, not the other way around. 😉
  5. You’re on a ship with Mark Twain, Albert Einstein, Catherine the Great, David Bowie, Billie Holiday, and Gengis Khan. But oh no! The ship is sinking and the lifeboat only holds four people. You get to decide—who gets on that lifeboat? Mark Twain, Albert Einstein, David Bowie and Gengis Khan. In that one boat, we have brilliance for literature, science, music and warfare. I’d call that a win.
  6. What is your superpower? Putting myself down. No, really, I’m epic at it. Okay, seriously, if It’s something I want to have, it’d be, I think, super speed so I could get everything done quickly. Imagine how many books I could write with that….
  7. You’ve been invited to a party being held by your boss. Which of your characters will you take with you as your guest? Well, I’m my own boss, so I would just invite everyone and watch the mayhem. (Especially with Teman and Nadir naked!) The pleasure slaves with the shifters with the BDSM couples. That would be SO fun to watch. If I make up a boss, like some of those I used to have and assume I want to keep my job after the fact, I’d probably consider Mal and Kyle (from Beautiful boy, since Kyle can do small talk in his sleep), Braden and Rafe (What About Now), and Patrick and Chance (No Sacrifice). Those would make a good, but still interesting combination (and not likely freak anyone out… too much).


Book blurb:

Liam Scott is sick. That’s not supposed to be possible. As a wolf shifter, he’s supposed to be able to heal. The omega gene he was born with means he’s capable of carrying shifter young and Liam is worried that whatever is wrong will mean his one-day hope of having pups will be dashed. But despite the fears keeping him away from the doctor until now, he knows he needs to go.

It turns out the sickness is temporary, but the treatment causes a whole other problem.

Mason’s alpha gene means he’s one of very few wolves who can impregnate an omega male. For two years, he’d been watching Liam, but things kept getting in the way. When Liam shows up in heat, Mason recognizes the opportunity he needs and doesn’t hesitate make to Liam his mate and the father of his pups.


But Liam has old wounds and fears to work through which the pregnancy is only making worse, and Mason isn’t sure how to get past them to show he’s serious about making a life together as loving mates. It’s not until a female wolf decides Mason should be hers that Liam makes his biggest worry known—and Mason can finally put the fears to rest.


Book buy links:

Author bio:

Grace Duncan grew up with a wild imagination.  She told stories from an early age – many of which got her into trouble.  Eventually, she learned to channel that imagination into less troublesome areas, including fanfiction, which is what has led her to writing male/male erotica.

A gypsy in her own right, Grace has lived all over the United States.  She has currently set up camp in East Texas with her husband and children – both the human and furry kind.

As one of those rare creatures who loves research, Grace can get lost for hours on the internet, reading up on any number of strange and different topics.  She can also be found writing fanfiction, reading fantasy, crime, suspense, romance and other erotica or even dabbling in art.

Find Grace here:

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