Interview Roulette: CJane Elliott

Welcome to today’s game of Interview Roulette, starring CJane Elliott!

  1. You’re walking down the street when a spaceship lands in front of you and a half dozen aliens pile out. What do you do? First I look around to make sure this isn’t a movie being filmed that I wasn’t aware of. Then I bow politely, hoping that bowing is some universal symbol and not an egregious insult in alien speak. Then I stand and wait for my fate to show itself.
  2. Are you a nerd and/or a geek? Provide evidence to support your answer. I’m more of a nerd. I was a good student who sat in the front row and liked to study. Being a nerd, I Googled nerd vs geek to make sure I got this answer right. And what Urban Dictionary says about nerds being shy and not friends with a lot of people was also true about me in high school.
  3. Which (living) celebrity would you most want to have dinner with? Adam Lambert. Many know my obsession with him (which is more geek-like than nerd). He’s not only insanely talented but seems like a fun person to hang out with, so I’m sure I’d have a fabulous time.
  4. When it comes to travel, do you prefer to plan everything or play it by ear? I like to nail down transportation and lodging ahead of time, but beyond that I don’t like to plan too many activities. It’s more fun to see what happens. My sister and I are going on a road trip from Orlando to Key West after the Dreamspinner Press Author Conference in March. We have nothing in particular planned and I can’t wait!
  5. One of your characters is running for political office. Who is it and what’s the office? Cleo Park from Serpentine Walls. She’s a kick-ass Asian-American gal who embodies all the qualities of strong women who resist and persist. She would make a great Congresswoman from Virginia.
  6. If you had to live in a movie, TV show, or book, which would you choose and why? This is hard to answer. Right now I want to escape from the reality of what is happening in our country so I want to live in something rosy and optimistic, like Sesame Street.
  7. What is your favorite footwear? If I could get away with bare feet all the time, I would. All I wear around the house these days are slipper-socks. For actual shoes, I prefer flats, the more comfortable the better.

Jonathan Vallen has never felt good enough. A gentle musician who loves to garden, he’s woefully unsuited to running Vallen Industries, the family business. When his father hires a hotshot executive, Marco Pellegrini, to save the company, Jonathan moves away and leaves his humiliation behind. A year later and forty pounds lighter, Jonathan runs into Marco on an LGBT cruise. Marco doesn’t recognize him, the sparks fly, and Jonathan pretends to be someone else for the week—Jonah Rutledge—someone good enough to be loved.

Marco Pellegrini has always been driven. He rose from poverty to the pinnacle of business success, and he’ll do anything to protect his reputation—including hiding his bisexuality. Having saved Vallen Industries, he’s weary of the rat race and ready for a more meaningful life. When Marco meets his soul mate for that new life—Jonah Rutledge—on an LGBT cruise, he prepares to stop hiding and start living.

Back on land, the romance crashes when Marco discovers his perfect man is not only a lie but the son of his boss, Frederick Vallen. Jonathan resolves to win Marco back, but Frederick takes vengeful action. Jonathan and Marco must battle their own fears as well as Frederick’s challenge to get to the future that awaits them on the horizon.

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Author bio:

After years of hearing characters chatting away in her head, CJane Elliott finally decided to put them on paper and hasn’t looked back since. A psychotherapist by training, CJane enjoys writing sexy, passionate stories that also explore the human psyche. CJane has traveled all over North America for work and her characters are travelers, too, traveling down into their own depths to find what they need to get to the happy ending.

CJane is an ardent supporter of LGBTQ equality and is particularly fond of coming out stories.

In her spare time, CJane can be found dancing, listening to music, or watching old movies. Her husband and son support her writing habit by staying out of the way when they see her hunched over, staring intensely at her laptop.

CJane is the author of the award-winning Serpentine Series, New Adult contemporary novels set at the University of Virginia. Serpentine Walls was a 2014 Rainbow Awards finalist, Aidan’s Journey was a 2015 EPIC Awards finalist, and Sex, Love, and Videogames won first place in the New Adult category in the 2016 Swirl Awards.

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