It’s Meghan Maslow’s turn at the wheel!
- What are you wearing right now?
At the moment, I’m freezing my butt off! So, I’m in a pair of jeans, a sweater, a jacket, and a big fuzzy pair of slippers. All I need is a scarf and mittens and I’m ready for winter. I really wanted to be able to say, “obviously a smoking jacket.” Nope. Think more along the lines of Randy in A Christmas Story.
2. If you could be granted instant virtuosity on a musical instrument you don’t now play, which one would it be, and why?
Since I can barely even carry a tune, this question reads like “what paranormal creature would you choose to be?” Complete fantasy. But if my Fairy Godmusician made me choose, I’d pick standing bass or possibly cello. I like the lower ranges and standing bass is just so badass. When someone rocks out on the standing bass, I could just watch/listen for hours.
3. Which of your characters would send you screaming out into a blizzard before a week was up?
Haha! Great question. And easy to answer. Auric Starfig, Twig’s father in my latest release, By Fairy Means or Foul. He’s the ultimate bureaucrat. Since I live in the greater DC Metro region I meet A LOT of his type. Ugh. I would definitely run out into a blizzard if he kept quoting regulations while simultaneously bragging about his sexual prowess the way he does to Twig.
4. Which would be your preferred vacation choice: a luxury hotel, an apartment in a historic building, or a tent?
At this moment, all sound amazing! It would depend on the location. I was fortunate enough to camp on Ngorongoro Crater many years ago (it’s not allowed anymore) and it was an experience I’ll remember for the rest of my life. My family did a lot of camping when I was growing up, but my kids are less than enthused. #epicparentfail
I also enjoy a lovely bed and breakfast, and to a lesser degree a luxury hotel. Pretty much anything with vacation attached to it gets a thumbs up.
5. What were your favorite childhood books?
I’ve always been a reader. Early books were anything Dr. Seuss, Esther Averill’s The Fire Cat, Maurice Sendak’s Where the Wild Things Are, and Gertrude Chandler Warner’s Boxcar Children Mysteries. As I got a little older I added Madeleine L’Engle’s A Wrinkle in Time, all Anne McCaffrey’s Pern books, and James Howe’s Bunnicula to that list.
6. What is the most obnoxious thing you have ever done to try to impress someone you really liked?
Can you say, “drunk dial?” I only ever did it once and I learned a valuable lesson. It doesn’t work. Enough said.
7. One of your characters comes to you for advice. Who is it, what does he ask, and what do you tell him?
I’m pretty sure it would be Bill, the Red Fury Demon. The poor guy has terrible taste in partners. It might be something about his black soul that just draws the worst sort. But Bill needs some serious love advice. I’d tell him to try dating someone. . . not evil. Or at least less evil. Baby steps.
Book blurb:
The last thing half-dragon, half-fairy private investigator Twig Starfig wants to do is retrieve a stolen enchanted horn from a treacherous fae, but there’s no denying the dazzlingly gorgeous unicorn who asks Twig to do just that. Literally, no denying, because compelling the reluctant detective is all part of a unicorn’s seductive magic.
To add to his woes, Twig is saddled with the unicorn’s cheeky indentured servant, Quinn Broomsparkle. Dragons are supposed to want to eat humans, but Twig’s half-dragon side only wants to gobble up Quinn in a more . . . personal way. Making matters worse, it’s obvious the smokin’ hot but untrustworthy sidekick is hiding something. Something big. And not what’s in his trousers. In the PI business, that means trouble with a capital Q.
Throw in gads of zombies, a creepy ghost pirate ship, a malfunctioning magic carpet, and Twig’s overbearing fairy father’s demands to live up to the illustrious Starfig name. Naturally, an old but abiding enemy chooses this time to resurface, too. Those inconveniences Twig can handle. The realization he’s falling for a human who isn’t free to return his affections and whose life may hang on the success of his latest case?
Not so much.
Book buy links:
Will you please mention that the audiobook is now out too and that the narrator is Greg Tremblay/Boudreaux?
Audiobook, narrated by Greg Tremblay/Boudreaux:
Author bio:
Meghan Maslow is truly a rare breed. No, not a unicorn (although that would be sooo cool). She’s a. . . gasp!. . . extroverted writer. It may seem counterintuitive that as someone who is energized by people, she spends most of her time alone. Yet, that’s the case. And she doesn’t mind.
If she gets writers block or starts to go a little stir crazy, she heads to a coffee shop, a restaurant, a friend’s place—anywhere to fill up her need for human contact. It also helps that she spends a lot of time with the voices in her head. Some of them are really quite opinionated.
She loves writing gay romance because she’s a sap for a happy ending, and she believes everyone—regardless of orientation—should be able to find books that have them.
She believes life is for living, kindness is contagious, and a good book makes the world a better place. She loves travel, reading, world music, Moscow Mules, awkward dancing, dreadlocks, her family, and um. . . writing.
Author contacts:
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- Twitter: @meghan_maslow
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