Introducing Jimmy and Shane


I’ve already revealed L.C. Chase’s beautiful cover for Rattlesnake. If you haven’t already, enter the giveaway. And preorder a copy for yourself!

I’d like to introduce you now to the main characters. The beautiful art is by Catherine Dair.

Jimmy colorThis is Jimmy Dorsett. He’s a drifter and has been since his teens. He’s a storyteller who doesn’t always stick to the truth–even when he’s telling stories to himself. He’s driving his dying car through the desert when he picks up a hitchhiker. Jimmy ends up on a quest to Rattlesnake, a little town in the Sierra foothills. That’s where he meets Shane.




Shane colorShane Little used to work as a cowboy on his family ranch, but a terrible accident changed his life. Now he’s the bartender at the historic Rattlesnake Inn. Despite the difficulties he encounters every day, Shane isn’t one to wallow. He’s stubborn and enthusiastic, and seems to have a lot more faith in Jimmy than Jimmy does. Shane owns four identical blue plaid Pendleton shirts.




I love these two men, and Cath certainly did them justice with her art. And I’ll have swag with their images at GRNW and GRL. I hope you fall in love with Jimmy and Shane too!

You know what? I’ll choose one commenter on today’s post to receive signed copies of Jimmy and Shane trading cards. Just comment below with your answer to this question: If you had to eat the same breakfast every Monday, what would it be? I’ll pick a winner on August 8.

3 thoughts on “Introducing Jimmy and Shane”

  1. Pancakes!
    And I’m sure I’ll fall in love with these two new boys just as I’ve fallen for almost every other character you’ve written.


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