What’s Kim Reading Now?: Sheep’s Clothing by Elin Gregory

I’ve decided to start some new regular features here. Every Monday (or, well, almost every Monday, because you know how it goes), I’ll post a brief bit on a book that I’ve recently read. Many will be m/m romance, but some will not. I just thought it would be fun to share with you guys an enjoyable read. I haven’t received review copies of any of these books, so they’re whatever I’ve bought, borrowed, or otherwise put my paws on.

My very first entry, then, is Sheep’s Clothing by Elin Gregory. This is a short story, which hit the spot just right during a busy week. And it features an unconventional werewolf. If you’ve read my Bones series, you know I love shifters who are unusual. Werewolf Darren Murchison moves from London to the Welsh countryside, hoping to put some distance between himself and a pack that’s not really his style. Thing is, though, the Welsh countryside is full of sheep.

This story was sweet and very funny, with a few unexpected but delightful surprises. And it was just plain well-written. I loved the setting too.

Sheep’s Clothing by Elin Gregory is available from Wayward Ink Publishing.

Have you read it too? Please share your thoughts in the comments.

4 thoughts on “What’s Kim Reading Now?: Sheep’s Clothing by Elin Gregory”

  1. Ooh boy! I’m so behind with all the books I want to read. This sounds interesting too. I hope I’ll find the peace in my mind for reading again soon. The new job kills almost every free time and the mood for reading a book. *sigh*


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