Snakes Not on a Plane!

020 This is not Europe.

Now, hold that thought. We’ll get back to it.






More pleasant things first!

My thirteenth novel, Rattlesnake, has just released from Dreamspinner Press. You can buy it in print or ebook versions. I’ve told you already–probably repeatedly–that I’m extra excited about this one. Some characters strike a special chord in my heart, and Jimmy and Shane are among that select crowd. I hope you love them. I mean, really. I am sitting here stressing about it, kind of like how I felt sending my younger daughter into the wilds of junior high earlier this month.

But right now I should be in an airplane, somewhere between the US and Europe. Which meant we would have (Rattle)snakes on a plane!

But we don’t. Instead, I’m in a hotel near San Francisco International, enjoying the lovely view you see at the beginning of the post. Apparently one of the cabin doors on my plane was damaged, and Lufthansa thinks a tiny little detail like not being able to pressurize the cabin is important. We sat around the airport all afternoon, until the airline determined it wasn’t going to get fixed tonight. So here I am. In a hotel in Burlingame.

The day was kind of fraught even before I got to the airport, actually. I usually park in an off-property lot. It’s cheaper, more convenient, and actually closer to the terminal than long term parking. But without any warning, the exit leading to that lot was closed today. So was the next one. I ended up parking at the airport instead.

Sometimes life is like this–we plan carefully, yet things still turn out differently than we expected. Like Jimmy in Rattlesnake (you knew I’d get back to the book, didn’t you?). He plans to hit the road and continue his life as a drifter. He plans not to hope. Until he meets Shane. Which, by the way, is a much happier accident than a broken plane.

Lufthansa has assured me that tomorrow they will get me on my way, my ultimate destination being Portugal. My world hasn’t ended. I had a nice dinner at the hotel and maybe I’ll write a bit tonight. But mostly I’ll just sit here, wondering how many people are settling in to read those first words. And it’s always just as exciting as it was for my very first book.

I hope you decide to give the new book a shot. You won’t regret it. And I hope by the time I land in Portugal, schlep to my hotel, adjust to the 9-hour time shift, and log in, some of you will have already fallen for my boys.

Rattlesnake available now at

Dreamspinner Press



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